Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Written by: SassyWitch aka Debbie Boldt

Ripple on the surface,
Rock and dirt beneath,
Fish swim through the ripple,
Snakes slither about,
Ducks paddle and ruffle their feathers
as they swim by,
Quack they talk to me,
Wanting some daily feed,
He dunks his head beneath,
the water to find a surprise,
Here comes mama with her
ducklings following behind,
Joining their papa they
swim gracefully away.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Old Oak Tree

Darkness into Light
Written by: SassyWitch aka Debbie Boldt

Moon rises high in the sky,
Clouds roll over to darkness,
Crows fly by a cawing,
The chill of the darkness bites,
That makes you feel fright,
Clouds pass on by to reveal the light.

Moon by night to light,
The path I walk to see the nights mircales,
Flowers of night open to me so I may
see what is true to the night moon.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Darkness into Light

Darkness into Light
Written by: SassyWitch aka Debbie Boldt

Moon rises high in the sky,
Clouds roll over to darkness,
Crows fly by a cawing,
The chill of the darkness bites,
That makes you feel fright,
Clouds pass on by to reveal the light.

Moon by night to light,
The path I walk to see the nights mircales,
Flowers of night open to me so I may
see what is true to the night moon.

Spring Flowers

Sprout into Spring,
Dew in the morning,
Sun burns brightly,
Sprouts turn into blooms,
Flowers become as the sun
burns in the sky.

Flowers turn to the sun,
as the sun passes over,
Petals begin to wilt,
Bee's feed on their nector,
Flower petals fall,
To make a circle,
To match the setting sun.

Written By: SassyWitch aka Debbie Boldt